Inspirational Thoughts

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

I thought the best was I could celebrate Earth Day was by not heating my house with oil, keeping all my lights off, not cooking, running water, flushing the toilet, driving my car, eating, or breathing. I wanted to minimize my carbon footprint as much as humanly possible.............................. Ummm, not exactly. I didn't do a darn thing any different today than I would do any other day of the year. While I do not think we should destroy the earth, I also do not believe in climate change and the fact that everything we do is harming this planet. Thus my support of Exploit the Earth or die. It’s not a threat. It’s a fact. Either man takes the Earth’s raw materials—such as trees, petroleum, aluminum, and atoms—and transforms them into the requirements of his life, or he dies. To live, man must produce the goods on which his life depends; he must produce homes, automobiles, computers, electricity, and the like; he must seize nature and use it to his advantage. There is no escaping this fact. Even the allegedly “noble” savage must pick or perish. Indeed, even if a person produces nothing, insofar as he remains alive he indirectly exploits the Earth by parasitically surviving off the exploitative efforts of others.

The fact annoys some people. But it shouldn’t: Hence our “Exploit the Earth or Die” campaign.

Because the earth is a living organism, it has and will continue to change and evolve, heat and cool, shift and settle. That is the nature of nature, is it not? Again, my position isn't to destroy what we have, rather to use wisely what God has created and instructed us to use for our benefit.


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