Inspirational Thoughts

Friday, May 1, 2009

According to Prudence

"Anyone with a penis and a vagina can have a baby."
Such was the way a conversation went the other day. I don't remember exactly how the topic came up... it may have been about welfare and unwed moms. At any rate, when she said that I reminded her of the fact that there are many couples who desperately want the privilege of being parents. Not all of us conceive and/or carry babies easily, or "traditionally."Becoming a mother was a long and heartbreaking experience for me. It DID NOT come automatically or easily at all! I thought it would, but I was mistaken.Thankfully pregnancy finally did happen, along with 2 live births (after 3 fetal deaths). I wouldn't take back any of the experiences I went through. It made me appreciate even more how blessed I am to be a mother. Of course there are times I get frustrated with the girls, however, I wouldn't change a thing. I love being a mom! ☺So for all of you moms or moms-to-be.... or moms in spirit, don't ever give up. Don't listen to people who don't know their heads from a hole in the ground. It isn't always easy, but it is always worth it in the end. Of that I am convinced.


Mary said...

That last picture freaks me out a bit.

Candace said...

I couldn't agree with you more...this topic is close to me doing what I do at work. My heart goes out to all those who have a hard time...being a mother is worth it..Happy mothers week. :)

Cheri said...

I LOVE that last picture!!! I remember so well my babies moving around in utero. It was great, and fortunately for me, I never had anything pushing up into my ribs!!

Sommer said...

wow those pictures are amazing!!!! Thanks for that message, I have a few friends that are dealing with this heart breaking situation and it makes me so mad when people give them a hard time.