Inspirational Thoughts

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alec Baldwin is a PIG

Was anyone besides me appalled with Alec's RANTING message to his daughter? How can a grown man (obviously I use that term loosely) do such a thing to his 11 year old daughter? Let me offer the following. Perhaps he should shift his efforts for PETA and PAWS to being a more loving, considerate and KIND father instead. SHAME ON HIM!! I don't care what his motives were. I don't care what his excuses are. I really don't care how much he feels he has been "pushed" (by his former wife) to the point of loosing his patience. There are NO excuses for doing that to his child. NONE!

As the adult child of divorced parents, I know what it's like to hear both parents trash talk the other. It happened a lot. It shouldn't have happened ever. I also state this as a divorced mother myself. I do not trash my former husband to my children. I have talked about him to the girls, but I focus on his good points rather than his weaknesses. Why? Because if I trash him it will only bring them pain. Why would I want to do that? What would it accomplish? Nothing. There are plenty of good things to share with them. I'd be a fool if I didn't admit that some of their talents are completely hard wired in them from him (like both of their math skills). We both have a responsibility to help them become the women they can become, although I have more hands on (since they live with me), he can still impact their lives in a positive way.

So back to Alec. Notice the strings in the picture? Maybe instead of portraying himself as a puppet controlled by everyone else, he should start acting like a man and take responsibility for his own actions. What a novel idea for such a "talented" Hollywood actor.

1 comment:

Donsher said...

I could not agree more, I'll never pay to see a Alec Baldwin movie again. sher