Inspirational Thoughts

Friday, March 23, 2007

Welcome To Our Family

Emile, Brie and I, are pleased to share some very exciting news with everyone. We have some new additions to our family. Please enjoy getting to know a little about our new arrivals. Introducing......... GUIDO M. SARDUCCI

Guido joined our family two weeks ago today. His "birth name" was Hunter but after careful consideration we decided he looked more like a Guido. Yes, he is named after Father Guido from SNL.
Who better to be named after, right??? We don't have any idea how old he is but he's been a lot of fun so far.

Our next addition arrived two weeks ago tomorrow. Some may say I had a lapse of sanity. Perhaps this is true. I'm beginning to wonder myself. Regardless, here she is......SAMANTHA Samantha is a German Shepherd/something mix. She's between 6-12 months old. Yes, as a puppy she still enjoys chewing everything she comes in contact with. She also has a strong attraction to garbage cans. We truly enjoy this aspect of having a new dog. All in all she's a good dog.... yeah right. We're still working on basic commands and hoping she catches on. I think she will. She does seem pretty smart....even my Uncle Don thinks so.
Well, there you have it. I'll keep you posted on how everyone does. If I get more grey hair we'll know why, right. P.S. The cats are doing really well. I was worried about this especially with Samantha. Seems Kitty does the best at keeping her in her place. You go girl!!

I guess you can see by this picture that Kitty has a bit of an attitude. She's the psycho one in the family for sure. Angel is much friendlier. She's the one on the the right... thus she's also "right" in the head. We're a happy family!!!

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