Inspirational Thoughts

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You've Got To Be Kidding!

For the love of Pete. I can't catch a break, can I?! Poor me....

Last Thursday, Emile said she wasn't feeling well. On Friday I kept her home from school. You could tell she was coming down with something. Isn't this a fascinating picture? Looks pretty neat, doesn't it? Know what it is? It's the cause of many days of suffering, dread, fear, and in some cases, death. Figure it out yet? Yes, it's the FLU bacteria.

From what I was seeing in Emile, it looked like she had the flu. By Friday afternoon she was running a high fever, had chills, body aches.... she felt like death warmed over. She's been sick all weekend. Fortunately yesterday was a snow day. I couldn't get her into the doctor though. He was closed due to the storm.

So yesterday about 4, Brie was trying to get bundled up to go out back and shovel snow when she started crying. She said her stomach was feeling sick. Oh crap, you've got to be kidding! TWO DIFFERENT VIRUS'S AT ONE TIME. By 5:30 she was sleeping on the living room floor. By 7 she headed up to bed. By midnight she was throwing up all over my bedroom floor. NICE. I just love it when a plan comes together.

Actually, vomiting is quite an interesting ability the body has. It takes several timed events for it to occur.So it's safe to say everything came together just right for Brie. About 2 hours later she asked me if we could say a prayer so she wouldn't throw up again. We did and it helped. She slept until 7:30. Mike B. came over to give her a blessing around 8:30. Now we're just waiting to go to the doctor. Both of the girls are going so I can get a note for school. So much fun.

The moral of this story.... stay in a bubble the rest of you life... OR...For the record, I think you're supposed to lather for more than 20 sec. I think it's more like 2 minutes. They say to sing "Happy Birthday" to yourself twice while you lather. Even with all the hand washing we do, sometimes it still isn't enough.



Anonymous said...

Well, this explains why I haven't heard from you..... well wishes to the girls and a big hang in there to you. Calvin is just getting over bronchitis that kept him down for a week. Still has the nasty cough and headaches. Hope YOU stay well!!!!

Mary said...

No lie I really like the vomiting graphic. It was interesting to read.