Inspirational Thoughts

Sunday, June 5, 2011


It's hard to believe I'm already 10 days post-surgery. I'm doing pretty well. My biggest issues to this point are terrible itching around my incisions and in my groin area. I think I figured out the problem. I vaguely remember getting Diflucan the night of my surgery through my IV. The nurse explained it helps prevent and/or treat yeast infections. I picked up some anti-fungal cream and hopefully that will help.

The other challenge is with what to eat and how much. Here is a picture of what has been done to my stomach.The little area at the top (with the arrows) is what is now my "pouch" or active stomach. It is roughly the size of my thumb and capable of holding about 2-3 oz of food or fluid. I've been eating pureed foods for 5 days now. Some days have been better than others. I measure out a 2 oz portion of food to eat. At times that seems like enough... sometimes it seems like too much and I end up hurting. I have not experienced full blown "dumping syndrome," more just abdominal discomfort. I find my breakfast the easiest meal to tolerate. After that it seems to go downhill. Perhaps I'm just being impatient and expecting things to happen faster than they do. Again, I really can't complain. I'm recovering well. I'm getting stronger every day. I just have to get through this part and remind myself that this is just a "hick-up" on my journey.