Inspirational Thoughts

Friday, July 31, 2009

Isn't it nice to just sit down and have a beer with people you totally want to hang out with????? Can you believe this bunch of crap?! I'm just shaking my head trying to figure out what Obama is doing (or thinking) by even getting involved in this. I know many of you out there probably disagree with me on this, however, this has NOT been a "teaching experience" by any stretch of the imagination. Quite the opposite. I believe this is just another step in tying the hands of law enforcement all over the nation.

It appears to me that a Cambridge Police Officer was doing his job by responding to a call about a possible home break-in. Did he know who lived there? Did he know it was an African-American college professor? If he did, did he care or was he doing the job he is sworn to do? I'm guessing he was. Things started going south when an educated African-American cried "race." Does racism still exist? You bet it does. No doubt about the fact that it is very much alive and doing well. However I don't think it's just "white folk" who are racist by any means. And I certainly don't think that Obama sticking his opinion in helped the situation at all... "But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry," Obama said. "No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And No. 3 — what I think we know separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact." Nice one President Obama. Nice. Come live in our neighborhoods and see why certain members of society are being stopped. It's NOT just about the color of their skin my friend!

I also believe there are some in the African-American community who have done more than their share to hurt race relations.Yes, this is truly what I think of the "Reverend" Al. What a hate monger! When he shows up you know the pot is about to be stirred to the boiling point!And here's his twin, the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson. You bet he knows how to play the race card.

Now before you all start calling me a racist, let me tell you how I feel. First of all, my children are beautiful, intelligent, and loving.... AND they are bi-racial. I don't give a rats rear end what color you skin is, what your sexual orientation is, what political party you agree with, or what your position is in life. What I DO care about is the way you treat your fellow human being. We are ALL God's children. Each and every one of us. NO ONE is any better or worse than the next. Sure some of us make poor choices, but for the most part I think we are all trying to just live on the planet together. It can be said that people from all walks of life have the potential to hurt us.... I choose to believe there are far more good people out there trying to do good each and every day.Do I respect great men? You bet I do. I truly wonder what Reverend King would think if he were alive today. Have things improved? Certainly in some areas. Is there room for more improvement? Of course... we can always do better. Enough is enough with the race card though. No more victims!

One last thought. Poor choice of a way to ease race relations. Alcohol NEVER solves anything. NEVER!


Mary said...

I really appreciate your opinions.

Donsher said...


Cheri said...

Did you notice in the pictures of Gates being arrested that there were 'black' officers helping to arrest him? Guess they are racist, too. And, uh, Obama, uh, should keep his, uh, mouth shut, uh, without his, uh, teleprompter.