Inspirational Thoughts

Friday, July 31, 2009

Isn't it nice to just sit down and have a beer with people you totally want to hang out with????? Can you believe this bunch of crap?! I'm just shaking my head trying to figure out what Obama is doing (or thinking) by even getting involved in this. I know many of you out there probably disagree with me on this, however, this has NOT been a "teaching experience" by any stretch of the imagination. Quite the opposite. I believe this is just another step in tying the hands of law enforcement all over the nation.

It appears to me that a Cambridge Police Officer was doing his job by responding to a call about a possible home break-in. Did he know who lived there? Did he know it was an African-American college professor? If he did, did he care or was he doing the job he is sworn to do? I'm guessing he was. Things started going south when an educated African-American cried "race." Does racism still exist? You bet it does. No doubt about the fact that it is very much alive and doing well. However I don't think it's just "white folk" who are racist by any means. And I certainly don't think that Obama sticking his opinion in helped the situation at all... "But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry," Obama said. "No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And No. 3 — what I think we know separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact." Nice one President Obama. Nice. Come live in our neighborhoods and see why certain members of society are being stopped. It's NOT just about the color of their skin my friend!

I also believe there are some in the African-American community who have done more than their share to hurt race relations.Yes, this is truly what I think of the "Reverend" Al. What a hate monger! When he shows up you know the pot is about to be stirred to the boiling point!And here's his twin, the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson. You bet he knows how to play the race card.

Now before you all start calling me a racist, let me tell you how I feel. First of all, my children are beautiful, intelligent, and loving.... AND they are bi-racial. I don't give a rats rear end what color you skin is, what your sexual orientation is, what political party you agree with, or what your position is in life. What I DO care about is the way you treat your fellow human being. We are ALL God's children. Each and every one of us. NO ONE is any better or worse than the next. Sure some of us make poor choices, but for the most part I think we are all trying to just live on the planet together. It can be said that people from all walks of life have the potential to hurt us.... I choose to believe there are far more good people out there trying to do good each and every day.Do I respect great men? You bet I do. I truly wonder what Reverend King would think if he were alive today. Have things improved? Certainly in some areas. Is there room for more improvement? Of course... we can always do better. Enough is enough with the race card though. No more victims!

One last thought. Poor choice of a way to ease race relations. Alcohol NEVER solves anything. NEVER!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ok, so we're six months into the Obama Presidency now. I'm just wondering if anyone else out there is still taking notice to the President's dependence on the teleprompter? Officially it is referred to as "The Teleprompter of the United States."Now some may not agree that the President is a stuttering idiot. Personally I've never heard him stutter. I do think it appears the teleprompter is a type of "security blanket" to a degree. The President is such an articulate speaker that he doesn't want to make a mistake. He's such a perfectionist that it seems he's become too intimate with the teleprompter.Obviously being too dependent on any one thing (such as a teleprompter) can lead to mistakes.In my opinion, one must never rely too heavily on technology. We are all intelligent people with the capacity to think and make decisions on our own. At some point common sense must prevail.Otherwise the people of this great nation are going to begin to get the perception that the President isn't exactly what or who he seemed to be during the campaign.Just a thought.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stupid vs Stupor

This has been an interesting week with my children. First of all, let me clearly state: I HATE SUMMER VACATION!!!!! Yes, you read that correctly. I personally believe summer vacation is punishment (torture) for parents... and a time for "pay backs" from teachers and the school administration. By now the kids are getting bored. "There's nothing to do." "I don't want to do that." "There's nothing to eat." Or my personal favorite.... "I need $10.00 for ________" (you fill this in). Thus it is that about now I start to lose what little is left to my very fragile brain. Which makes me think. What is this really all about? I have concluded it's about being a teenager in general. Now those of you with younger children may relate to some of this so I don't wish to let any one out or offend in any way. Apply this however you see fit.Do you ever ask this question of your children? Please don't think I'm saying children are stupid. Actually it's quite the opposite. They are incredibly smart and know exactly what to do and when to do it when preparing to push any and all necessary buttons to launch adults into orbit. Having clarified this, I say again. Have any of you asked this question? I have. Almost on a daily basis. It's generally followed up with... "What on earth were you thinking?" or something more brilliant like "If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?" That's always a big hit. DUH! Of course not, they'd push their "stupid" parents off instead.The American Heritage Dictionary defines STUPID as: Slow to apprehend; dumb. Showing a lack of intelligence. Dazed or stunned. Pointless or worthless. It further describes STUPOR as: A state of reduced sensibility; torpor. Mental confusion; daze. HMMMMM Makes you wonder doesn't it? I think my children suffer from Stuporitis. That explains it.My solution??? Just enlarge this image and follow the directions exactly as outlined. It works. Really. My forehead is slightly swollen and I'm beginning to see some bruising, but other than that it's great! There are some other solutions but they involve drinking large quantities of liquor and I don't think that would really solve much so....

Unless you want to end up like this....Bang your head instead.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Please Explain

I've often wondered what my lovely daughters do while I'm away at work. There have been times that I've found interesting marks on my ceiling... no "solid" explanation has been offered by either of my offspring. Then there was the time I was informed of the "mishap" in the microwave. Something about trying to defrost a Capri Sun juice pouch. I really didn't want to know more. I was satisfied that the house had not burnt to the ground. You know the saying.... ignorance is bliss!!! That's me.
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So I come home one evening last week and find my girls are particularly happy with themselves. They have had a productive afternoon and figured out a way to feed themselves as well. And to say they aren't learning. They decided to make purple chocolate chip pancakes. While the pancakes looked rather gross, they tasted just fine. Both girls did admit to making a "big mess" of the kitchen... and even took pictures as evidence. Happily I can tell you they did clean up after their cooking adventure. I can't hardly wait to see what they try next.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

This year our day started with a Patriotic Pancake Breakfast held at the church. It was about and hour, and after eating we watched a video and sang a few patriotic songs. A relaxing start to a special day.

Earlier in the week we were invited to Jeremy and Megan's for a 4th of July party. Due to the fact that they have a pool and the girls play softball together, it was a no brainer. The party started at 2 but most people didn't arrive until closer to 3. It was a fun afternoon. No pressure. Just a bunch of friends getting together and having a good time. I even learned a new game... I think it's called RCL or maybe it's CRL. Whatever it's called it requires nothing more than knowing your right and left. That's it. It was easy and enjoyable.
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There was a ton of food. I made a peaches and cream no-bake cheesecake and a lemon bundt cake and put strawberries, raspberries and blueberries in the center. Both desserts were a hit and everyone said I could come to any of their future parties. Woo Hoo. I'm moving up in the world.

Later in the evening I had to take Emile to Dallastown to meet up with Rachel J. She's a police officer with Baltimore County and was taking Em on patrol that night. When I got back to York the fire works were already going at the fairgrounds. I found a spot behind Giant and took some pics. I could see really well and did just fine. About 15 minutes later Megan dropped Brie off. They had watched the fire works from the Middle School. It was a nice day to celebrate the independence of our nation.