Inspirational Thoughts

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Memories

When I was a child, I loved pretend play. What I'd give to be able to pretend play some days now. I thought I'd go back in time to remember my favorite dolls.I had a Shirley Temple type doll. She had the same style dress, socks and shoes. The difference was that she had her hair pulled into a ponytail. I didn't play with her often, instead I kept her on a shelf above my bed. She was beautiful.I also had a Mary Poppins doll. I thought she was totally cool, especially her tapestry bag and umbrella. She had several changes of clothes, and unlike my other doll, I played with Mary for hours on end. She was great.My favorite doll was "Knickerbocker" from Holly Hobbie. She was the last doll I ever got for Christmas (I was in Middle School). I loved that doll. Holly Hobbie dolls were very popular in the 70's, probably due to Little House on the Prairie. I had her on my bed well into my married life. She stayed there until one of my dogs chewed her braids off. I was going to fix her, but of course I never got to it. I have no idea where she ended up. I wish I had taken better care of her.

Now my "dolls" are Emile and Brie. Not quite the same as pretend. It was great watching Brie playing with her baby doll and remembering how much fun I had doing the same with mine. The circle of life never ends.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I used to have Holly Hobby stuff, too. My favorite was my Holly Hobby nightgown. :)