Over the past several years, I've tossed an idea back and forth too many times to count. I've thought things over... I've weighed options... I've talked myself into and out of whether to take the leap or not... and all along I've continued to get older and more at risk. So now the time of fence sitting has passed and the time for action has arrived. I am literally a ticking time bomb!
I have spent a considerable amount of time these past few months thinking about my life and how much of it I have left. I decided to put things into a pro/con category to help me make a final decision. Here's what I concluded.
1. I'm 46 years old.
2. I have 2 daughters who I love and are depending on me to be
around for.
3. I am a determined and talented person who has a lot to learn.
4. I have a lot to share with those around me.
1. I have Congestive Heart Failure.
2. I have Pulmonary Hypertension.
3. I have Hypertension.
4. I have severe Sleep Apnea.
5. I am pre-Diabetic.
CONCLUSION: I am in big trouble if I don't do something aggressive and do it now!
I have lived by a scale since I was in my early teens. My mother was a very tiny woman. She was barely 5 ft. tall and weighed under 100 pounds her entire life. Once I weighed more than she did, I was always encouraged to lose a few pounds. I can remember buying some kind of chewable diet "candy." It was a little chocolate flavored square that was supposed to help suppress your appetite. I was probably 13 and weighed maybe 110 pounds. No, I didn't have a weight problem then. Obviously over the years, my weight has gotten out of control. I now weigh 307 pounds... although some days it's 304. Once you're over 300 pounds, what difference does it make though. I am dying a slow death... one day at a time. So I've made a decision. I am going to have Gastric Bypass Surgery.
I have consulted with my doctor. He strongly recommends it because I have so many co-morbidity factors and my BMI is 54. I have selected a surgeon who I already know and trust. He was my doctor following our car accident and he is wonderful. I've verified coverage and requirements with my insurance company. I will take classes in November, December, and January. I meet with my surgeon in December and if everything goes as planned, following my last class in January, authorization for the surgery will be formally requested by my doctor and hopefully I'll be able to have the bypass in March.
I know this is a huge step, but I also know I must do this if I want to live. After years of diets, and attempts to lose weight on my own, it's time to seek professional help. I want to live a long, healthy and productive life. I am not embarrassed to admit that I am going to do this. I have the full support of my daughters (who are very proud of me and happy I've decided to do this for myself), my sisters, family members, and some very special friends. It is the right thing for me to do and now is the time to do it. It's time to get my life back.
I will continue to update my journey. I'm very excited about this. I know I have the ability to be successful with the tools I'm going to be given. Here goes....