Inspirational Thoughts

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


When I was a kid, all I dreamed about was growing up, getting married, and having babies. I'm fairly certain I had a house with shutters and a white picket fence around it. We all know that reality is oft times different than the dreams of our youth... when we still saw life through rose colored glasses. Which leads me to today.

I am now the mother of 2 beautiful daughters, both of whom happen to be teenagers. I just have one question. How in the heck did this happen???? My darling little angels have morphed into these creatures I don't even recognize at times. It's down right frightening.Now I deal with the "typical teenager" mentality. I no longer know anything. My rules are stupid. I shouldn't be forcing anyone to do anything. I should be allowing mistakes to be made now while I can still save them from their own stupidity! I should give them their freedom and space..... On the other hand, I should be buying them cars. I should be providing for their physical needs and welfare. I should buy them what they want when they want it. I should not ask them to do any chores or help out around the house (that's just being mean). I should let them stay up until the wee hours of the morning and sleep until noon. And when they finally do drag their butts out of bed, I should let them run free for the rest of the day. Heck, it's summer, that's what teenagers do.

Needless to say, I'm losing my ever loving mind. I'm just living for the day when I'm no longer stupid. It's coming. For the record, I can't wait until reality slaps them up side the head... just like it's doing to me. Paybacks can be a bugger.


Laura Lynn said...

HAHAHA - I'm right with you! I used to be smart once. Maybe that's why I keep having kids - the little ones still like me!

Cheri said...

Just wait, you will smarten up when your kids turn 23, maybe. It takes awhile for us older folk to know what we are talking about.