Inspirational Thoughts

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh What a Pain in the.......

KNEE!! Poor Em. What a month it's been. She's been through so much with her body that I'm beginning to think she's about to give up. I took her to the doctor today for follow up from having the ingrown toe nail removed. While there, I asked about her knee... which is completely swollen again. I'm at my wits end because after 14 PT visits she's no better today than she was when we started. The problem isn't the therapist... she's great. The problem is the ortho doc. He pretty much wrote Emile off. Nice. So she struggles on.Basically what started last November as lifting too heavy of weights with her legs in the "fitness" center at school has now become a daily struggle to just live life for Emile. Her kneecap continues to dislocate, swell, and cause significant pain. She's been on anti-inflammatory meds for months.... I mean like since January. Now she's up to Celebrex and Vicodan, plus taping, bracing and icing the knee daily. Oh sure, nothing's wrong with her knee! Can I hear a QUACK!!!?At least Dr K. is taking the situation seriously. He checked out the knee and decided to do a steroid injection. He said the fluid looked clean.. with no sign of infection. That's good. Hopefully by Saturday Emile will have some relief. I really hope so. This is truly taking it's toll on her. She's becoming more and more discouraged.... while I become more and more broke spending money on doctors, therapists and medications. Cross your fingers.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Poor thing! I hope the cortisone shot works, so she can at least get some relief!