Inspirational Thoughts

Thursday, July 12, 2007


As everyone knows, the last several days had been brutal. Relief finally came with a series of rain showers starting yesterday afternoon. It was still steamy when I went to bed last night, however, by this morning the temps were down... along with the humidity. A soft breeze was blowing. The morning was perfect! It did warm up but compared with the really HOT temps we had, today's temps were nothing.

The girls have spent three days in pools this week. Monday from 11A until 10P, Wednesday from 1P until 6P, and again this evening. They are getting quite tan. Keep in mind that they look tan in the dead of winter because of their Latino skin tone so any additional color really makes them look dark.

Brie on the high dive.

Emile looking like her cute self.

To drop or not to drop? That is the question.My girls know no fear!

I thought this was a cool series of pictures. Each of the girls had been jumping off the edge of the pool and doing flips. I was lucky enough to get these.Brie is the type of kid who will try just about anything once. If it goes well and she enjoys it she'll keep doing it until she gets it right.They say practice makes perfect. She did a great job finally getting a beautiful jump into the water. It amazes me how kids seldom run out of steam. If I only had her drive and stamina!Emile does great at kicking around the pool and relaxing.So another evening is spent having fun and cooling off in the summer. What more could you want?


1 comment:

Jamie said...

I like your ending. ha ha!
Looks like that pool was a blast!