Inspirational Thoughts

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Today was a special day. Of course it is Mother's Day... which in and of itself is a special day, but it was especially special this year. Em and Brie made me breakfast in bed. I was served heart shaped pancakes, sausage, strawberries, and orange juice. It was delicious. I enjoyed spending time with the girls in bed... just talking and laughing. When they were little we spent lots of time together in my bed. We'd read, play silly games, "draw" pictures on each others backs, and take naps together. Now the girls are more independent and it isn't as cool to hang out with mom in bed.

Sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock for a brief time. I miss rocking my babies. I miss feeling them close their little hands around my finger while they looked up into my eyes. I miss their giggles in the early morning hours. I miss kissing their tiny toes. I miss the smell of baby lotion just after their bath. I miss them hugging my knees. I miss them thinking I was the very best person on the face of the earth... the person who could kiss their tears away and make it all better. Oh, what I wouldn't do to be able to protect them from all the "owies" that life is going to throw at them in the years to come.
So for now I just enjoy each day as it comes. I find the joy in remembering the times spent together and look to the future for what is to come. Before I know it the girls are going to be mom's themselves. I suppose then they will understand the tear that falls down my cheek as I watch them growing up.

Happy Mother's Day....

1 comment:

Laura Lynn said...

Sounds like a great day. It's so bittersweet - seeing them grow!