Inspirational Thoughts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh, NO!

I'm in total turmoil today. I'm beside myself with stress and confusion. I don't know what to do or how to proceed. My day has been turned completely upside down and I don't know how to fix it.

What am I to do?

The cause of my panic???? Groundhogs! Yes, you read correctly. Groundhogs.Today is Groundhog Day. Now that's fine. I have no problem at all with this day. Historically it has been just another day for me. Until this year. For some reason I seriously paid attention this time.

Could it be that we've had so many storms this year? Perhaps.

Is it because the temperatures have been so bone chillingly cold? I suspect that is part of the reason.

Or is it just because I decided to seek out the wisdom of a groundhog as I look to the next 6 weeks of my life?

Whatever the reason, I'm more distressed now than ever.Puxatony Phil predicted an early spring. Great news! So why am I fretting? Because the other area groundhogs predicted 6 more weeks of winter! There, I said it. Now instead of going forth on solid ground, assured of how to proceed, I remain in my seasonal dilemma.

Do I plan for this....or this....????Oh, the unfairness of life.

1 comment:

Mary said...

plan for the first picture. but the second sure is pretty.