Inspirational Thoughts

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Did I Forget?

Before the end of 2010 I'd better post about Brie's special night. This fall Brie was a 9th grade football team co-manager. It was a super busy season and she spent a lot of time working with the guys and supporting their efforts. At the end of the season there's the annual football banquet. This year it was held on December 2nd at the Valencia Ballroom. It's a pretty big deal and includes the entire district football department. Here are some pictorial highlights.Was Brie the Bionic Woman? Some say she was as she ran water out to the guys on the field during practices and games.Was Brie one of Charlie's Angels? Perhaps... She and her fellow *angels* sure were talented!Regardless of who she seems to be, I know who she truly is. She's my pequeña hija. She's a driven, hardworking, and dedicated young lady who tries to do the very best she can.I love you, Brie. I'm so proud of you and all your hard work. Keep it up, kiddo!


Ashley said...

Oh my gosh! I didn't even recognize her! I can't believe she is in high school. Now I feel old.

We Three Queens said...

Ashley... don't feel bad. She's changed, that's for sure. The really scary thing is, she's only in 8th grade. She'll be a freshman next year. I need to invest in some high powered rifles. Me thinks I'm going to have some guys comin' round before too long. ☺