Inspirational Thoughts

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When it Snows it Pours

Brie came up to me a few minutes ago and said "It's snowing in your bedroom, Mom." Huh. Say what??? "What do you mean it's snowing in my room?" "I hear water dripping in your plant." Grrrrr!!! That can't be good news.When what to my wondering eyes should appear... yep, water dripping from the top of my bay window. Lovely.I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by any of these unpleasant happenings. Such is the price you pay when you purchase a 100+ year old home with "character." Don't get me wrong, I love my house, I just wish I didn't have leaks to fix at this time of the year.


Kristi said...

I wish we were close by and that Galen could come and fix it for you.....sorry! I hope you have someone that can come and help you. Love you!

Beckie said...

Sorry! I hope that is gets better.

Mary said...

Leaks suck.